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你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗 (2)

2015-07-27 15:34 百事网原创 0

It’s that kind of thinking that also enabled us to create the world’s most popular camera. A camera that makes it easy to take insanely great photos. Like “How did you even do that?” great.


So when you just want to point and shoot and get a photo of that weird grasshopper-moth-beetle thing that just landed over there, it has its Focus Pixels and auto stabilization and image signal processor already ready to go.


What that means is, you don’t actually have to know what that means. All you have to do is use it to see that taking photos and videos on iPhone is really. Flippin’. Amazing.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗


Also amazing? The fact that there are over a million and a half capable, beautiful, inspiring apps on the App Store. And each and every one was reviewed and approved by a team of real live humans. With great taste. And great suggestions. And great ideas. So whether your thing is running or writing or budgeting or filming or note-taking or annihilating rampant zombie populations using only the power of plants, you’re totally set.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

And while there are lots of things you want on your phone, there’s one you definitely don’t: malware. (“Malware” is what you call code that tries to sneak into your devices for the purpose of doing sneaky things. Like stealing your bank info or tracking every single word you type.) Now, this is the part where we’d normally geek out about the tools we give developers to make super safe apps like top-notch APIs, encryption, and app transport security, and the rock-solid security features we build into iPhone like trusted boot, sandboxing, and kernel address space layout randomization, but there’s only so much room. So let’s just say that iPhone and malware are practically strangers, and leave it at that.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

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