当前位置:首页手机手机知识你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗 (5)

你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗 (5)

2015-07-27 15:34 百事网原创 0

And if you ever have any questions about iPhone — because we all have questions sometimes — you know exactly who to come to. Us. Swing by any of our 457 stores (and counting). Or call us on the phone at AppleCare. Or chat us up right here, where you actually already are right now, the Internet.



Because like we said, we design the hardware and we design the software, so we’re pretty good at answering anything. From “Where’s the power button?” to “What exactly did you mean when you said ‘image signal processor’?”


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

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