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你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗 (4)

2015-07-27 15:34 百事网原创 0

Because to us, things should always be easy. Like answering the question, “How many different messaging apps should it take to send words, voice messages, group messages, photos, videos, Easter Island stone head emoji, my location, and weird cat GIFs to everyone I know?” Answer: One. Or, “How much should it cost to send all that stuff to people who have an iPhone or iPad or Mac?” Answer: Nothing. And also, “How do I make a video call to my best friend who’s halfway around the world?” Answer: FaceTime. And, last question, “Shouldn’t all of that stuff just come built into my phone?” Yep.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

And since we’re all using our phones more than ever, they should be able to do more remarkable things than ever. That includes letting you know that today you took 7,962 steps, which is the equivalent of 3.31 miles, which totally counts as a workout.


Your phone should also get along famously with your laptop and your tablet. And be able to kick up the thermostat with a couple of taps. And put on “Love Shack”* from the backseat on command.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

Another remarkable thing a phone should do — which, honestly, shouldn’t be so remarkable — is give everyone access to its powerful technology.


That’s why iPhone comes with incredible assistive tools and features built right in. Like VoiceOver, which lets you tap to hear what’s on your screen, even if you can’t see it. And Switch Control, a way to navigate your phone using switches instead of tapping, dragging, or swiping. And there’s also mono audio, which helps you hear it all by playing stereo recordings in mono in both ears of your headphones. And even Invert Colors, which increases the contrast on your screen, making it easier to read. And that’s not even everything. To us, technology like this isn’t additional. It’s essential.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

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