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你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗 (3)

2015-07-27 15:34 百事网原创 0

And on the topic of keeping things safe, we think you should be able to control what you share and what you don’t. Like, if you want an app to show you restaurants within walking distance or to add a filter to your photo, that means the app needs to see your location or access your camera. And that can be kind of personal. So we make sure the choice is up to you. Because a phone should keep what’s private private. Period. Exclamation point.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

Security is serious. It’s why we invented Touch ID. A painstakingly engineered sensor that lets you unlock your phone with just your fingerprint. And iPhone keeps your print safe by never storing an image of it. Instead, it turns it into an intricate piece of math, which can’t be turned back into an image, re-created, replicated, or otherwise fiddled with. And we built a place especially for that piece of math called the Secure Enclave. It’s completely walled off from the rest of your phone, and it keeps your fingerprint encrypted and protected.


We can’t see it. “They” can’t see it. Not even you can see it.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

And we created Apple Pay with the same sense of security in mind. It makes sure the things that matter stay invisible. Your credit card number. What you bought. How many you bought. Even that little code on the back of your card that you can never seem to remember. Because if you paid good money for a phone, it shouldn’t leave your financial information vulnerable. That’s the bad kind of ironic.


We also designed Apple Pay to be really, really easy to use when you’re out shopping. All you need to do is have your finger on Touch ID and hold your iPhone near the reader. Done and done.


你造吗 苹果为何这么牛 连广告都如此嚣张 你了解吗

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